

Call for Applications No. 03

State of Amapá Public Notice - Federal University of Amapá (Unifap)

Applications for Selecting Students to the Professional Masters in Planning and Public Policy Resident in the State of Amapá
The Dean of the State University of Ceará, Professor José Jackson Coelho Sampaio, in the use of his statutory and regimental attributions, announces, to those interested, that the Center for Applied Social Studies is receiving applications of candidates residing in Amapá for the new selection process for the Professional Masters in Planning and Public Policy, on the dates and other conditions specified in this Call.

*Documents in portuguese

Public Notice PDF
(State University of Ceará/Federal University of Amapá) - 40 (forty) vacancies offered (38 for the Federal University of Amapá and 2 for the General Comptroller’s Office in Amapá).

Annex I - Application Form - PDF
Annex II - Lattes Curriculum Scoring Form - PDF
Annex III - Request for Reconsideration or Appeal in Selection Process - PDF
Annex IV - Schedule - PDF

List of Applicants - PDF

List of Applicants after Appeals - PDF

Result of the First Evaluation Stage - Dissertation Test - PDF

Result of the Appeals for the First Evaluation Stage - Dissertation Test - PDF

Interview Dates and Timetable - PDF

Result of the Second Evaluation Stage (Interview, Evaluation of Dissertation Draft, and Lattes Curriculum) - PDF

Result of the Appeals for the Second Evaluation Stage (Interview, Evaluation of Dissertation Draft, and Lattes Curriculum) - PDF

Result of the Appeals for the Second Evaluation Stage (Interview, Evaluation of Dissertation Draft, and Lattes Curriculum) - Reprinted for error - PDF

Final Result - PDF

Call for Applications No. 04

Applications for Selecting Students to the Professional Masters in Planning and Public Policy to be Admitted In 2017.1 - Amapá - Department of Education - AFAP

The Dean of the State University of Ceará, Professor José Jackson Coelho Sampaio, in the use of his statutory and regimental attributions, announces, to those interested, that the Center for Applied Social Studies is receiving applications for the new selection process for the Professional Masters in Planning and Public Policy, on the dates and other conditions specified in this Call. 

Public Notice PDF
AMAPÁ - (State University of Ceará – Department of Education - AFAP) - (Reprinted for error) 

Annex I - Application Form - PDF
Annex II - Lattes Curriculum Scoring Form PDF
Annex III - Request for Reconsideration or Appeal in Selection Process PDF
Annex IV - Schedule PDF
Annex V - Declaration Time Availability PDF

The Coordination of the Professional Masters in Planning and Public Policy, in the use of its attributions, informs: 

1) The posting address for the applications is the same as the one on the webpage of the Program: State University of Ceará - CESA Block - Professional Master in Planning and Public Policy – 1700, Dr. Silas Munguba Ave. - Itaperi Campus - Fortaleza / CE – Zip Code: 60.714.903 

2) Applications must be paid in the following account: Bank: Banco do Brasil. Agency 008-6 / Account 27.636-7 

List of Applicants - PDF

List of Applicants (complete) - PDF

Result of the First Evaluation Stage (Dissertation Test) - PDF

Result of the Appeals for the First Evaluation Stage (Dissertation Test) - PDF

Interview Dates and Timetable -PDF

Result of the Second Evaluation Stage (Interview, Evaluation of Dissertation Draft, and Lattes Curriculum) -PDF

Final Result - PDF

The Coordination of the Professional Masters in Planning and Public Policy, in the use of its attributions, informs: A meeting is scheduled for July 7, 2017 at 9:00 AM, with all the candidates selected in the Final Result of the Public Notice No. 04/2017, coordinated by Amapá Development Agency (AFAP). The subject of the meeting will be the registration of the candidates. 

Doutorado Acadêmico em Políticas Públicas
Mestrado Profissional em Planejamento e Políticas Públicas

Campus do Itapery - Bloco de Estudos Sociais Aplicados - CESA / Av. Silas Munguba, 1.700 - 60.714-903 - Fortaleza-CE - Brasil
Fone: (85) 3101.9880 / E-mail: politicaspublicas@uece.br