The organizational structure of the Professional Program in Planning and Public Policies is based on the recommendations of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior [CAPES]) and on a logistics that interconnects academic actions (classes, research, and publications) with those of science communication and popularization (radio, TV, video, and blog) and social insertions ‒ School of Councils in the State of Ceará (Escola de Conselhos do Estado do Ceará [ECONCE]); CRR; Observatory of Violence Against Women (Observatório de Violência contra a Mulher [OBSERVEM]), etc. This page reflects this concern and facilitates the participation process of its users.
Professional Ph.D. Program
(Resolução CEPE No. 4912/2023, Resolução CONSU No. 1890/2023 and approval at the 2nd 2024 Extraordinary Meeting of the CTC-ES/CAPES)
The Professional Ph.D. Program in Planning and Public Policies (Doutorado Profissional em Planejamento e Políticas Públicas [DPPPP]) of the State University of Ceará (Universidade Estadual do Ceará [UECE]) aims to build possibilities to improve policies and services for the governance of public policy and education of professionals committed to the goals of the Strategic Plans of the UECE and the Development of the State of Ceará.
The DPPPP is focused on high-level education in various areas of knowledge. It differs from the Professional MA Program in Planning and Public Policy (Mestrado Profissional em Planejamento e Políticas Públicas [MPPPP]) in the level of in-depth study of the various interventions and reflections; and from the academic Ph.D. program in the study of techniques, processes, or themes that meet state, regional, and national needs.
The DPPPP seeks to improve critical and innovative capability, taking into account the decision-making process, the institutional context of implementation and use of technologies, innovations, and cutting-edge knowledge to foster organizational improvement in the State of Ceará, the North Region, the Northeast Region, and other regions in the country. Therefore, it analyzes the most recent reforms in the public sector that affect the patterns and mechanisms of policy making, with consequences for the coordination and management of strategic planning.
Professional MA Program
(Resolução CONSU No. 1362/2002, recognized by the Education Council of Ceará in accordance with Parecer No. 1096/2003, regulated by Portaria MEC No. 389/2017 and Portaria CAPES No. 131/2017)
The Professional MA Program in Planning and Public Policy (Mestrado Profissional em Planejamento e Políticas Públicas [MPPPP]) is a type of Stricto Sensu Graduate Course aimed at preparing professionals in various areas of knowledge, through the study of techniques, processes, or themes that meet some need in the job market. Its goal is to contribute to the national production sector in order to increase the competitiveness and productivity level of companies and organizations, whether public or private. Consequently, proposals for new courses in the professional MA degree modality must have a curricular structure that emphasizes the interconnection between updated knowledge, mastery of the relevant methodology, and application aimed at the specific field of professional activity. To do this, a portion of the faculty must consist of professionals recognized in their areas of knowledge due to their qualifications and outstanding performance in the field relevant to the course proposal. The end-of-course paper must always be linked to real issues in the professional/student's area of activity and in accordance with the nature of the area and the purpose of the course, and it may be submitted in various formats.
These MPPPP’s specificities require that monitoring and assessment be based on differentiated criteria, defined by the areas of assessment, and carried out by a specific subcommittee, even if concurrently with the academic programs. In order to guarantee the quality of professional MA degrees, operational criteria and standards are needed to drive and control their deployment and development. Authorization, recognition, and recognition renewal of professional MA degrees are obtained by means of the results of monitoring and assessment conducted by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior [CAPES]), in accordance with the requirements set forth by legislation – Resolução CNE/CES No. 1/2001, amended by CNE/CES No. 24/2002.
‘Professional Program’ is the designation for the Ph.D. and MA degrees that emphasize studies and techniques directly aimed at a high level of professional qualification. Therefore, this name confers identical degrees and prerogatives, also for teaching, and like all stricto sensu graduate programs, the national validity of the diploma is subject to prior recognition of the course (Parecer CNE/CES No. 0079/2002). It responds to a socially defined need for professional training of a different nature from that provided by academic Ph.D. and MA degrees and does not, under any point of view, oppose the supply and expansion of this modality, nor does it constitute an alternative for the education of Ph.D. and MA degree holders according to requirement standards that are more or less rigorous than those traditionally adopted in graduate studies. The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior [CAPES]) is responsible for regulating the supply of professional Ph.D. and MA programs through public calls and for assessing the courses made available.
Portaria Normativa No. 60/2019 aims to regulate professional MA and Ph.D. degrees within the scope of the CAPES.
The main highlights of Portaria Normativa No. 60/2019 refer to differences in the submission and assessment of proposals for new courses, specific criteria for periodic assessment of professional MA courses, faculty composition highlighting artistic and technical-scientific works and recognized professional experience, as well as various end-of-course writings, such as dissertation, systematic and in-depth literature review, article, patent, intellectual property registration, technical project, technological publication; development of applications, teaching and learning materials, as well as product, procedure, and technique materials; production of media program, editorial, composition, concert, final research report, software, case study, technical report with confidentiality rules, technical operation manual, experimental or service application protocol, proposal for intervention in clinical or relevant service procedures, technological application or adaptation project, prototype for development or production of instruments, equipment, and kits, technological innovation projects, and artistic work; without prejudice to other formats, according to the nature of the area and the purpose of the course, as long as they are previously proposed and approved by the CAPES.
The regulation of professional MA and Ph.D. degrees aims to meet the following needs:
Art. 2. The objectives of professional MA and Ph.D. courses are:
I ‒ to prepare qualified professionals for advanced, innovative, and transformative practices in work processes, aiming to meet social, economic, and organizational needs in the various sectors of the economy;
II ‒ to transfer knowledge to society, in order to meet social and economic needs, with a view to national, regional, and local development;
III ‒ to contribute to aggregate knowledge, in order to boost productivity in public and private companies and organizations;
IV – to pay attention to innovation processes and procedures, both in industrial activities that generate products and in the organization of public or private services;
V – to educate doctors with a profile characterized by autonomy, ability to generate and transfer technologies and innovative knowledge for unprecedented solutions to highly complex issues in their field of activity.
Art. 3 Professional stricto sensu graduate courses will follow the same rules and requirements for authorization, recognition, and renewal of recognition established by Resolução CES/CNE No. 7/2017, necessarily depending on prior assessment by the CAPES.
Art. 4 MA and Ph.D. degrees obtained in professional courses positively assessed by the CAPES, recognized by the Higher Education Chamber (Câmara de Educação Superior [CES]) of the National Education Council (Conselho Nacional de Educação [CNE]), and approved by the Ministry of Education (Ministério da Educação [MEC]), will be valid nationwide (Portaria Normativa CAPES n. 60/2019).
Regarding the assessment of the quality of courses, the CAPES deals with the recommendation of new courses, monitoring, and periodic assessment (Quadrennial Assessment), just as in the case of academic MA and Ph.D. courses. The sole paragraph of Art. 9 of Portaria No. 17/2009 highlights that: “assessment will be carried out by specific committees, consisting of balanced participation of professors, professionals, and technicians from specific sectors, recognized as qualified to adequately perform such tasks.”
Doutorado Acadêmico em Políticas Públicas
Mestrado Profissional em Planejamento e Políticas Públicas
Campus do Itapery - Bloco de Estudos Sociais Aplicados - CESA / Av. Silas Munguba, 1.700 - 60.714-903 - Fortaleza-CE - Brasil
Fone: (85) 3101.9880 / E-mail: