

The Professional Master in Planning and Public Policy has been an effective contribution to the socio-political development of the population of the Northeast and more specifically of Ceará. Its origin was done in order to meet a state's demand to adopt the region's agile mechanisms to promote the recovery of the huge regional disparity in the training of high-level staff of qualification and academic production. Today, as a consolidated experience, it can say that its initial objectives have been reached and its trajectory has been of consolidation of the spaces occupied regionally.

The Master was created on an institutional basis on 06/12/2002 (Resolution of CONSU). On December 17, 2003, the course was recognized by the Education Council of Ceará in accordance with opinion No. 1096/2003, which states: the course proposal is of great political and technical importance, highlighting its contribution to improvement of the standards of competence of state public servants in the exercise of professional activities. Through document No. 326-03 / 2006 - CAPES, signed by Professor Renato Janine, the course was informed of its recognition at the meeting of the Technical Scientific Council (CTC) on 06/07/2006. 

At the end of the triennium (2010/2012), the Master was evaluated with grade five. In the quadrennium (2013/2016), the challenge was to consolidate the gains of the previous period and increase its social insertion. The program is a reference not only for the whole State of Ceará but also for cities in the Northeast and North of the Country (Belém, Macapá and Manaus). The current experience has contributed to the expansion of a local intelligence, a critical mass capable of ensuring the human resources necessary for the socio-political development of the State and the Region in the formulation and execution of public policies. 

Initially, its activities were characterized by the integration of the practices of teachers in the Master's Degree in Public Policy and Society with the needs of the Government of the State of Ceará. However, the current reality can be described as a victorious process of adding academic experience to an intense policy of social insertion and expansion of national and international agreements. The studies developed by the Program deepen the issues that challenge the construction of an emancipated and critical state citizenship. 

The selection of Professional Master classes has been serving a wide demand not only from different academic backgrounds but also from several state and municipal departments. Among current students and graduates of the Professional Master's degree are civil and military managers, professionals in the administrative, planning, education, health, culture and leisure fields. In this direction, the judicial and parliamentary professionals participation still stands out. 

The program is already adjusted to the new requirements of MEC, since its faculty is formed by Doctors and Technicians with local and national recognition. Its proposal reinforces the understanding that the university has to interact with government and society as the driving force for innovation and the main element for creating a technologically adequate environment to meet national challenges. In this perspective of excellence and greater social contribution, are being deepened the investigations and practices around issues such as socioeducation (School of Law Advisers and Guardians, PROTEJO Project, Drug Reference Center), public security (National Forum of Public Security), violence against women (Observatory of Violence against Women), cultural policies (Patrimony and fashion), creative companies (Observatory of Creative Policies), management policies, humanization of health and political institutionalization. At the regional level, the MSc continues to develop studies in conjunction with the State Government School of Amapá, the State University of Pará and the Federal University of Amapá. 

Internationally, the year 2010 created the bases for scientific exchange with Portugal (University of Coimbra); Australia (Creative Economy Observatory); France (Université Lumiére Lyon2 - Prof. Norbert Bandier) and Angola (Ministry of Planning of Angola). The following year were marked by national surveys; international agreements and coming professionals to study postdoctoral studies. 

Doutorado Acadêmico em Políticas Públicas
Mestrado Profissional em Planejamento e Políticas Públicas

Campus do Itapery - Bloco de Estudos Sociais Aplicados - CESA / Av. Silas Munguba, 1.700 - 60.714-903 - Fortaleza-CE - Brasil
Fone: (85) 3101.9880 / E-mail: politicaspublicas@uece.br