

UECE Resolutions for the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program

*Documents in portuguese

UECE Statute General Regiment. PDF
Regiment of the Ph.D. Program in Public Policy. PDF
Ceará State’s Official Gazette . Law No. 15,955, enacted on February 11, 2016. Amends Law No. 10,877, enacted on December 27, 1983. PDF

Resolution No. 933/2013 - CONSU, of February 18, 2013
Establishes Standards for Stricto Sensu Graduate Courses and Programs at the State University of Ceará - UECE.  PDF

Resolution Nº 821/2011 - CONSU, of December 19, 2011
Establishes Norms for the Teaching Internship of Stricto Sensu Graduate Courses and Programs of the State University of Ceará - UECE PDF

Resolution Nº 3326/2010 - CEPE, of August 27, 2010
Low Standards of Proficiency in Foreign Language for Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation from UECE PDF

For further information access the SITE of the Pro-Rectory of Post-Graduation and Research - PROPGPq of the State University of Ceará - UECE

Doutorado Acadêmico em Políticas Públicas
Mestrado Profissional em Planejamento e Políticas Públicas

Campus do Itapery - Bloco de Estudos Sociais Aplicados - CESA / Av. Silas Munguba, 1.700 - 60.714-903 - Fortaleza-CE - Brasil
Fone: (85) 3101.9880 / E-mail: politicaspublicas@uece.br