
Research Centers, Observatories and Laboratories

The Program in Public Policy has a network of academic production organized to reach various levels of social scope, enabling specific approaches to each objective.

OBSERVEM is a space for monitoring the living conditions of women living in Ceará and the violence that affects them. This is an experience that monitors the public and social policy developed locally and nationally, especially with regard to the deployment of the Maria da Penha Law and all forms of discrimination against women. OBSERVEM is a creation of the Research Group Gender, Family, and Generation in Social Policy, linked to the CNPq and the Graduate Program in Public Policy of the UECE. 

The initiative relies on a partnership with the Ceará State Council for Women’s Rights and it has the support of the Special Secretariat for Policy on Women of the Presidency of the Republic. Now, it is one of the actions taken by the Ceará State Pact for Tackling Violence against Women. 

Prof. Maria do Socorro Ferreira Osterne, Ph.D.
Prof. Maria Helena de Paula Frota, Ph.D.

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Created in 1998, it organizes, investigates, and prepares institutional evaluations, courses, seminars, advisement, and publishing, interconnecting teaching and research to various academic areas and undergraduate and graduate students, as well as those attending specialization, MA, and Ph.D. courses. It favors social themes, with an emphasis on public policy. Works: the website provides a rich collection of works and a database on public policy and related themes. 

The NUPES encompasses the Social Policy, Labor and Citizenship Group, linked to the CNPq, which studies social policy as a segment of the public policy set, favoring the contradictory dynamics of its insertion in the collective constitution of nationality, citizenship, and its institutionalization. It addresses social policy (health, employment, and income, youth, fight against violence, and education), developing consulting services, research, institutional assessment, and surveys. 

Prof. Francisco Horácio da Silva Frota, Ph.D.

Acesse aqui

Created in 2003, the Nationalities Observatory conducts theoretical and empirical studies on processes that form the nations, international institutions, cultural phenomena, and defense policy. It promotes scientific events and publishes the academic journal World Tensions. The studies address Brazilian modernity, multilateralism, military apparatus, the development of science and technology, among other subjects. 

Works: The results are published in four books and they are conveyed in articles for journals and newspapers. Supported by the CNPq and the Banco do Nordeste do Brasil (BNB), the observatory develops projects aimed at analyzing the dynamics of South American integration and the configuration of Portuguese-speaking African national States, with particular attention to challenges and trends of Africa-America cooperation. 


Prof. Mônica Dias Martins, Ph.D.   

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A group that aims at collaborating by means of studies and research that address the theme work, education, youth, and social development, based on analysis of planning and management of public policy by relating it to the issue of social exclusion. 

Prof. Francisca Rejane Bezerra de Andrade, Ph.D.

A group that proposes to conduct research on cultural and communication policy adopted both by the public power in its various instances (municipal, state, and federal levels), as well as those implemented by social movements in their interfaces with the State. 

Prof. Alexandre Barbalho, Ph.D. 


The JEPTRA proposes an articulation of actions involving the themes: youth, vocational education, and work based on technical-scientific cooperation between researchers from the GEPPES and managers, technicians, and researchers from institutions working in these areas at the local, national, and international levels. The observatory's activities involve: studies and research depicting the youth’s reality (at the socioeconomic, educational, cultural, political, and family levels), as well as the actual vocational education and labor, in Brazil and in Ceará, conducted by the observatory or in partnership with public and private institutions and/or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 

Technical and scientific production that can provide means for designing, developing, and assessing public and/or private policy in the areas of youth, vocational education, and labor; technical and scientific meetings that contribute to the dissemination of studies and research carried out by researchers and their partners; teaching and university outreach activities aimed at undergraduate and graduate students who wish to deepen their studies in the areas of interest to the JEPTRA. 


Prof. Francisca Rejane Bezerra Andrade, Ph.D.  

Doutorado Acadêmico em Políticas Públicas
Mestrado Profissional em Planejamento e Políticas Públicas

Campus do Itapery - Bloco de Estudos Sociais Aplicados - CESA / Av. Silas Munguba, 1.700 - 60.714-903 - Fortaleza-CE - Brasil
Fone: (85) 3101.9880 / E-mail: politicaspublicas@uece.br